Baby joy
Yesterday me and my boyfriend went to meet his big sister, her husband and their baby boy, who was born on Monday.
When we arrived, my boyfriend's godson was happily asleep in his tiny bed. He had a cute hat on and his clothes had cute, green kittens on it.
As we looked at this bundle of joy and his content, serene parents, it occured me, that this is truly it: happiness. It was so great to see them so very happy. =)
Lately I have thought about babies, children, motherhood and parenthood in general. I have heard more and more people talking about the hard parts, difficult moments and the heartache it all involves. But that is just one side of it. Looking at these new parents and their joy, it felt unfair not to emphasize this side of it.
A baby needs a lot of love, nurturing and time, but they bring a lot of joy, happiness and love with them. In my eyes, they are little blessings.
Yet many people are not parents and it's necessarily because they don't want children. Sometimes there just is not an easy explenation why some couples will not become parents. My heart goes out to them. And those, who decide not to become parents, their choice should be respected, too.
I watched an episode of Dr Phil earlier and in this show there were bunch of women discussing whether stay-at-home mums were better mums than mums who work. I don't think that it's truly a yes or no - question. My mum worked, my godmother didn't. Both did their best as mothers in different ways. Same choices do not fit all, I think that both kind of mums should be supported and appreciated.
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