Friday, August 18, 2006

What a day...!

There are plenty of those neutral days, which come and go and will be forgotten just like that.

Well, today certainly is NOT one of those!
You see, I woke up early this morning. I had not been up even for an hour when shadows came to mess up my head. It's ok, got rid of those.

I left to run my errans. During the time I was out I got hit. TWICE!
To make things worse, I had absolutely NOTHING with me. I rushed into the nearest store and got Vicks Red Energy tablets. But they, too, help when it's about shadows, so when I had a full-blown hit in my head, those tablets didn't help.

The shadows this morning left me bit confused. I forgot to return the empty cans to the store I was supposed to and I didn't take my digital camera's memory card to Anttila yet... But it's okay. I kept my spirits up and that is more important in my book.

There has been rain, clowdy and sunny moments. And when I was watching TV and checking my emails, there was one single BANG! and so the thunder arrived. I got scared, turned TV and computer off and hoped for the best. But, because I'm writing this, it all went well...

Now, there has been happy moments during the day, too. When I went to the library, I found various interesting media books. With some luck I can use parts of all of them in my dissertation! And when I went to the university's library, I found 2 magazines and a book about internet they were getting rid of all together, so I got them for free! Yahoo! =)

I also met my boyfriend. We met during his lunch break. Luckily for us, we met during one of those sunny moments, so we went to a hill nearby, sat on a bench and talked while he had his lunch. It was fun.

So, when I look back at this Friday, I have no idea what to think about it. If I had to rate it, I'm not sure what number I'd pick. 8 perhaps... Not sure.

I feel stronger, better and quite happy right now. I suppose mind wants to forget the unhappy moments and simply highlight the nice, wonderful and joyful ones! I have nothing against that.

The sun is shining warmly outside. It's a beautiful night.


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